Writing Machine

Posted by mohamedfailali On Wednesday, March 27, 2019 0 Comments
I am Mohamed Failali. I was born on 23/11/1969. I live in Martil. I work hard for my living in Tetuan. Since my childhood, I loved reading, writing and learning foreign languages. Now I write poetry, stories, novels and screenplays in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. When walking I care about the ants on my way. Life is a game with strict rules to abide by. So far, I have published three books: ‘’Un Intruso Inesperado’’ 2009, a novel in Spanish, ‘’Salam’’ 2010, and ‘’Omnia’’ 2013, both are collections of stories I wrote in English, Spanish, French and Arabic. ‘’120’’ is my fourth book, a story in different languages as well. I intend to publish more books whenever I can. If you enjoy reading my books, send me your comments. I would be happy to hear from you. Just visit my website.

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My strange story begins with pen and paper and continues with a computer to end no one knows how. I wanted to have a writing-machine in the 1980’s. When I asked about the price, the man seemed annoyed and said anyway ” 1500$”. It was a devastating news for the naive boy who wanted to be a writer. Now I can write whatever on my cheap phone. Certainly, the man who meant to shock me is missing the 1980’s. I am happy the whole twentieth century passed away with all its calamities.

Nowadays, people are apart humanely speaking. They are closer to each other on dangerous gadgets. The way we live is more similar to a machine rather than a human being. We lost the warmth of social life. If we, humans, pretend to be modern, why most of us act primitively by smoking for example? Why do we still commit the same blunders our ancestors did when modern science was absent?

Here comes the role of intellectuals. Their duty is to show the human mistakes and let people ponder about their bad deeds.
This is an interview with 2m channel. I am telling young people not to let down job opportunities however small the offer might be. They can reach their goals in spite of the obstacles.Some of you might ask why I am using English in particular. I am realistic. English is the second language of most of us on earth. English is not a language anymore. It is rather a universal dialect. It absorbs words from different languages. It is simple and easy to learn. Here in Morocco, people speak a mixture of Arabic, Tamazight, French and Spanish. The result of colonialism and bad education system.

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